Accessibility Tools

Bedroom with purple bed
Built specifically for people with very high support needs.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

What is Specialist Disability Accommodation?

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a range of housing designed for people with very high needs.

SDA homes are constructed to be more accessible for you. They enable better or safer delivery of other supports you may need. SDA usually involves a shared home with a small number of other people.

It’s easy to get SDA and Supported Independent Living (SIL) confused, as both supports aim to help people live independently. But while SIL is about supports, SDA funding is provided to cover the capital (bricks and mortar) costs of the dwelling.

What Type of Support is Provided?

Finding the right fit for you is important. Things to consider include how close it is to suitable transport options, whether it is close to your friends, family, or employment, and if the location suits your lifestyle.

Finding and successfully applying for an SDA can be a daunting task, so a Specialist Support Coordinator is an invaluable resource.

Currently using another NDIS provider? You can choose to change providers at any time, as long as you follow the notice periods in your service agreement.

Where is Specialist Disability Accommodation in My Plan?

Specialist Disability Accommodation is available to you if it appears in your NDIS plan under CAPITAL Supports.

Where Is This Service Offered?

Our Specialist Disability Accommodation services are currently available across metropolitan Adelaide. View our office locations here.

Do You Provide Other Services?

We sure do! Head to our services page to explore all of our supports.

Complaints & Suggestions



Access4u Housing is committed to providing high quality services to those in need, but sometimes we get it wrong. By supporting tenants to discuss complaints and service improvements, staff can fix issues more efficiently and improve service delivery.

Many tenants know what a complaint or a suggestion is; however, they may need support on how and when to use the system with the right person.

Our Process

You can make a complaint by calling the CEO on 1800 022 237.

Alternatively, you can complete a Tenant’s Complaints and Feedback Form and email this to

Our Complaints Procedure

  • The CEO/Senior Manager will discuss with you (and your family/career/advocate) all the details of the complaint, including the outcomes you would like to see.
  • You will receive an acknowledgement of the complaint within two days, which will include the timeframe for your complaint to be resolved.
  • If appropriate, we will conduct an investigation into the circumstances surrounding your complaint.
  • You will receive information on the outcomes of your complaint and be given the chance to ask for a review or refer the complaint to the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission.
  • We will aim to resolve your complaint within 14 days. Some complaints can be resolved sooner than this time frame; however, some may be more complex and may take longer to resolve. We will let you know if this is the case.

For more information on our Access4u Housing Feedback and Complaints Process, click here.


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