Helpful Contacts & Translation/Interpretation
Police Assistance
Non-emergency calls for police assistance
131 444
Crisis Counselling
Lifeline Australia
131 11 14
Beyond Blue
1300 224 636
Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467
SA Elder Abuse Prevention
1800 372 310
Mensline Australia
1300 789 978
Domestic Violence Crisis Line
1800 800 098
Women’s Information Service SA
1800 188 158
Women’s Safety Services SA
1800 800 098
Young People
13 14 78
Kids Helpline
1800 551 800
Parent Helpline
1300 364 100
Youth Beyond Blue
1300 224 636
Translation and Interpretation
Interpreting and Translating Centre SA
1800 280 203
National Relay Service (speak and listen)
1300 555 727
Translating and Interpreting Service
131 450
ABC International Service Trust
8364 5255
ATSI Phone Interpreting
1800 131 450
Deaf Can Do
8100 8200
Royal Society for the Blind
8417 5599