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Our Psychosocial Recovery Coaches are here to support you.

Psychosocial Recovery Support

What is Psychosocial Recovery Support?

Psychosocial recovery support is a service designed to support you if you have a psychosocial disability.

It aims to provide you with the skills to take more control of your life and better manage challenges associated with day-to-day living.

What Type of Support is Provided?

Psychosocial Recovery Support is provided by trained Recovery Coaches.

A Recovery Coach will:

  • work with you, your supports and your family, to identify goals and recognise pathways to achieve those goals
  • increase your awareness and control
  • provide ongoing support
  • build your capacity, resilience and decision-making skills.

Whether it’s shopping or maintaining housing or employment, we are adaptable to your needs. You direct your own recovery, and our coaches are available to provide support, assistance, and encouragement with your goals.

Remember, it’s your choice and your life - we’re just here to help!

Currently using another NDIS provider? You can choose to change providers at any time, as long as you follow the notice periods in your service agreement.

Where is Psychosocial Recovery Support in My Plan?

SIL is available to you if it appears in your NDIS plan under CORE Supports.

Where Is This Service Offered?

Psychosocial Recovery Support is available across metropolitan Adelaide, Mount Barker and the Fleurieu Peninsula.  View our office locations here.

Do You Provide Other Services?

We sure do! Head to our services page to explore all of our supports.



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