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Our Housing Vacancies

Access4u's Home and Living Options team are committed to putting YOU first. 

We will work with you, your family members, and other providers to find solutions to suit you, your lifestyle, and your needs and goals. 

We undergo a significant exploration phase with all our housing vacancies, to ensure you are matched with individuals whose lifestyles, goals and values coincide with your own. We will never simply “fill vacancies” without going through this process. 

Each person is different, and we will prioritize finding you a home that suits you and puts your support needs at the forefront – whether that involves purchasing a home for you to live with a friend, living close to your family or your workplace, or anything in between. 

If you are looking to live with others, our process may involve several meet-and-greets between participants and families, short-term living arrangements and day trips, depending on the situation. 

Our unique way of doing things allows us to better support our customers and helps ensure they are in the best position to meet their goals. 

Check out our current vacancies below. If you can't find one to suit you, please contact us via our enquiry form below or by emailing

Our Current Vacancies


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