Medium Term Accommodation (MTA)
What is Medium Term Accommodation?
Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) is a home and living support that Access4u provides. It refers to temporary transitional housing which is available to you if you are waiting for your more permanent residence to become available or waiting for it to be fit for use.
MTA is also an appropriate service to consider if you are leaving institutional care, waiting for home modifications to be completed, waiting for a vacancy, or your current living arrangements are not working out.
What Type of Support is Provided?
Funding for MTA only covers the cost of the accommodation for the time you stay there.
For example, you might need medium term accommodation while you wait for your home modifications to be completed, or you’ve already secured Specialist Disability Accommodation, but you’re waiting for another person to move out before you can move in.
Funding for medium term accommodation doesn’t include day-to-day living costs like food, internet or electricity. It also doesn’t include any personal care supports, or other supports you get in your home.
Currently using another NDIS provider? You can choose to change providers at any time, as long as you follow the notice periods in your service agreement.
Where is Medium Term Accommodation in My Plan?
Medium Term Accommodation is available to you if it appears in your NDIS plan under CORE Supports.
Where Is This Service Offered?
Medium Term Accommodation is available across metropolitan Adelaide, Mount Barker and the Fleurieu Peninsula. View our office locations here.
Do You Provide Other Services?
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