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Young man peering into his green house
Housing that suits you. Live wherever you want, and with who you want.

Individualised Living Options (ILO)

What is Individualised Living Options?

Individualised Living Options (ILO) allows you to choose where you want to live, who you want to live with, and in housing that suits you.

This support also allows you to set up the supports needed to live in the way that best suits you. Beyond the range of disability housing options that are available to NDIS participants, there is also the entire housing market available to you.

You might want to consider ILO supports if you are:

  • 18 or above
  • currently thinking about your home and living options

You may also want to add ILO to your NDIS plan if you need help at home for at least 6 hours a day and you don't need 24 hour rostered supports from one or more Mentors.

What Type of Support is Provided?

There are two stages to this support:

  • The first stage will help you decide where and how you want to live - you may want to live with friends or housemates, it's up to you. The stage also explores what supports you need to live the way that best suits you and who will provide those supports.
  • The second stage is putting these supports into place. We will help you get set up in your chosen living arrangement with the supports you need. 

The support your ILO could include can differ person to person, depending on your situation and needs. Here are some examples:

  • Support to make decisions, such as where you want to live and the supports you need. 
  • Assistance to set up and manage your own home.
  • Support to build your independence.
  • Training for the people who support you.

Please note ILO does not including funding for where you live or home modifications, rent or mortgage repayments, and everyday costs (such as bills or groceries).

Currently using another NDIS provider? You can choose to change providers at any time, as long as you follow the notice periods in your service agreement.

Where is Individualised Living Options in My Plan?

Individualised Living Options is available to you if it appears in your NDIS plan under CAPACITY BUILDING (CB) Supports.

Do You Provide Other Services?

We sure do! Head to our services page to explore all of our supports.



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