Accessibility Tools

Michelle Kappler

Michelle Kappler

My experience:
With 27 years’ experience in the disability sector, I have a strong background in training and have 14 years’ experience in support work. Eventually becoming a Developmental Educator (DE), my experience and knowledge has taken me onto positions of a DE, Authorised Reporting Officer and currently a Behaviour Support Practitioner.  

What inspired me to do what I do:
I wanted be part of providing services to participants and their families in country and rural areas for positive behaviour support and skills development to empower people with disabilities. I enjoy working collaboratively with participants and their support teams in different environments to work towards meeting participant goals.  

Areas of expertise/interest

  • Autism
  • Training 
  • Skills programs

The most rewarding part of my role is…
Seeing positive outcomes through the supports provided and watching clients grow through supporting and increasing the participant’s capacity in areas that provide confidence and increased community participation and self-esteem.  

I also enjoy creating plans and programs that are tailored to meet the client needs and strategies for consistency across client supports to enhance skill bases.

A fun fact about me:
I love giraffes, I have so many giraffe items, including a giraffe kettle.


22 June 2022


Behaviour Support Practitioner, Developmental Educator