Accessibility Tools

Jade Sawyers

Jade Sawyers

My experience:
I started working in the sector over 10 years ago working across various government and non-government agencies.

My background in executive management and business development has grown my passion for transforming lives, while harnessing people skills and applying critical thinking. 

I am excited to join the team at Access4u and focus on providing quality services to regional communities.


What inspires me to do what I do:
I was inspired to work in the Disability and Mental Health sector as I want to empower individuals to work towards their goals and ensure they have access to essential services.

Not only this, I enjoy focusing on mentoring and up-skilling my team to ensure we can achieve better outcomes for our participants and further strengthen our impact in the industry.


The most rewarding part of my role is...
I love being around people with the same passion to help and support others.

My role is extremely rewarding in that I get to foster relationships with people from all walks of life and assist those who may not be in the position to do so for themselves.


A fun fact about me:
I am currently renovating a 140-year-old cottage on the Yorke Peninsula so most of my spare time is spent bringing my home back to life.



22 August 2023


Regional Coordinator