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Naomi Toth

Naomi Toth

My experience:
I have worked in the disability sector for 8 years and prior to that Housing SA for 27 years. After completing my Certificate 111 in Disability I initially worked as a Personal Carer for participants with very high complex needs i.e., Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and Dementia etc. I then moved into Support Coordination 6 years ago where I enjoy making a difference to participants on the NDIS by supporting and enabling people to live a meaningful life and be a part of their community in a way of their choosing.

What inspires me to do what I do:
I am passionate about making a positive difference to the lives of people with a Disability and developing their capacity to exercise choice and control over the supports they receive.

The most rewarding part of my role is…
Assisting Participants/families/nominees to understand and navigate the NDIS space by utilising their plans appropriately to their needs and addressing any gaps in services or additional funding requirements needed.

A fun fact about me:
In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my 2 Burmese cats.


17 November 2022


Support Coordinator