Meet our customers, Travis and Marc - you can read more about their stories in our latest Impact Report.
Meet Travis
Travis has been with Access4u for just over three years. When he came onboard, he was working in supported employment but unfortunately was not happy with his employer at the time. He felt he was not being properly supported and culturally didn’t feel he belonged at this particular workplace. As a result of this, his mental health was suffering and he was displaying behaviours of concern.
Access4u worked with several NDIS providers and other supports in Travis’ life to find a solution, working together to get Travis the appropriate funding from the NDIS to enable him to leave his old workplace, and instead, start going to a place called “Red Centre Enterprises”, which is a wholly owned First Nations Business and focuses on the health and wellbeing of their community. In addition to this, Access4u and an external combination of supports have also been able to secure Travis what’s known as “cultural mentoring options”, where he is supported 1:1 by his long standing Mentor and is culturally mentored by an Aboriginal Elder in the community.
Travis’ mental health has improved in leaps and bounds since starting at Red Centre Enterprises. He is now there full-time, and no longer exhibits behaviours of concern while he is there. Red Centre has taught Travis a lot about Country, and through Red Centre, he has found a love and passion for artwork.
His artwork is amazing, and is now even sold at the Airport! It’s also potentially going to be displayed at the Sydney Opera House.
We’re happy to report Travis is happy, thriving and has found enjoyment in his new routine!
Travis' words were, “I finally feel like I belong.”
Meet Marc
Marc has been supported by Access4u for two and a half years, through accommodation supports. When Access4u first met Marc, he was feeling overwhelmed by the changes he was experiencing in his life and was mostly non-verbal, struggling to engage at school and communicate with staff about his wants and needs.
Access4u worked collaboratively with several other NDIS providers, to develop a safe and comfortable environment that Marc felt supported in. Together, we have supported Marc to reach his goals for social engagement, and to better adapt to changes and feel more confident.
Marc’s team has also played a big part in his positive improvement. When first introduced, Marc’s parents suggested his Mentors be referred to as “big brothers.” Naturally, this had a positive impact on their relationship as Marc felt more at ease with his Mentors. And, after time, Marc truly felt his Mentors were like “big brothers” to him, and similarly, his Mentors now look forward to hanging out with their “little brother”.
With the help of his team, and the team of specialist service professionals—including speech pathologists, positive behaviour support practitioners and occupational therapists—Marc has grown in leaps and bounds, and now positively engages at school and therapy, and can better communicate his needs, wants and goals with his support staff. Overall, he feels more confident, enjoys spending time with his support staff, and is “a joy to be around.”
He and his support staff are now looking to the future, taking steps to encourage Marc to feel safer and more comfortable in the community.
In one of the photos that can be viewed in our Impact Report, Marc can be seen walking back to his house with Access4u staff after dropping off his car for repairs. He’s happily listening to his music while feeling comfortable enough to walk ahead of everyone. He’s looking very suave in his suit—no wonder his support staff describe him as being “cool as a cat”!
Access4u is a not-for-profit organisation that helps guide you through the NDIS to ensure the most optimal and effective outcomes for your ongoing objectives. From your coordinator to your mentor, Access4u works towards your personal goals whilst increasing independence and adding value to every life we support.
We make a difference by providing personalised care to every individual and their aspirations. Through working with a diverse group of service providers we can ensure support for you in a timely, innovative, and flexible way. View our supports here.